Dominion Road — Valley Road Development Proposal
Auckland Council has publicly notified plans for 135 new dwellings at 198-202 Dominion Road, 214-222 Dominion Road, and 113-117 Valley Road, Mount Eden – that means the public can make submissions on the development. We’ve summarised some of the key information to help you make a submission and provide a positive voice for housing in Auckland.

Let’s give housing a boost in Half Moon Bay
Auckland Council has just publicly notified an excellent development at 3 Pigeon Mountain Road, Half Moon Bay. We'd like to help it get approved, by showing you how to submit on the notification.

What NZ can Learn from Texas on Housing Policy
Read about the takeaways from the US's biggest pro-housing conference in Austin, Texas from a CFMH volunteer.

Auckland Council Seeks To Extend The Housing Crisis, Delaying Supply Of More Homes
The Coalition for More Homes opposes the Council's delays on further NPS-UD work. Read our press release.
Auckland needs infrastructure investment to support intensification
Intensification is occurring across most of the Auckland urban area, delivering greater housing choice, improved affordability and lower carbon living. We need to keep going with investment in infrastructure to support new housing in existing communities, and keep up with population growth.

Submission Guide
We are excited to share with you our submission guide for Plan Change 78! Have your say on the proposed changes to the Unitary Plan which will implement new intensification rules, and influence the urban form of Auckland for decades.

Which Councillors Vote For More Homes?
Voting is now open for Auckland’s local government elections. This is your chance to influence who sits around the Council table. We need Councillors who can make decisions to enable greater housing choice.