Let’s give housing a boost in Half Moon Bay

Plan notifications are meant to be a way for the public to participate in projects that will affect them, but too often, they’re simply used as a tool to oppose any and all development.
Obviously, we don’t like that here at the Coalition for More Homes. So we’re doing our bit to even it out.
Auckland Council has publicly notified plans for 87 new dwellings at 3 Pigeon Mountain Road, Half Moon Bay – that means the public can make submissions on the development. We’ve summarised some of the key information (more is available here) to help you make a submission and provide a positive voice for housing in Auckland.
About the development
This development is located in a great spot in Half Moon Bay, just a five minute walk from the marina, ferry terminal, and key amenities like the Half Moon Bay Shopping Centre (over the road).

The development site is zoned Residential Mixed Housing Suburban. That means we’d expect low to medium-density residential development on it, and that’s essentially the proposed design: a range of 2-4 bedroom attached terrace or duplex units. Due to the size of the site, the design enables a perimeter-block style development, which will create a great frontage to the three street edges and compact blocks within.
(Perimeter-block style developments are great at minimizing the negative effects of medium density development, which is why we’re big supporters of them.)

The design looks great. The homes are planned to use a variety of materials, will have good land scaping, and with the sloped site, the buildings step up and down, creating a cool mini-neighbourhood vibe. If this development is approved, the resulting homes 2-3 storey homes in a perimeter-block style will be a great outcome for this neighbourhood.
How can I help?
Write a submission by clicking here. Your submission doesn’t have to be long or complicated. It can be as simple as saying what you like about the site, the location, or how a development like this would help your house hunting journey, or next rental search. The main thing is getting your voice out there and showing Auckland Council there are people who love and support these kinds of developments.